Expats in Zug

Low tax rates and its central location have made the canton Zug a top destination for leading multinational corporations and thus attracting a diverse expatriate community. The various towns and villages offer unique residential opportunities.


125,000 people from more than 134 countries live here


Zug is the home of 44’482 cherry trees


The canton of Zug has 11 municipalities


Tax rate in Zug in case of a taxable income of CHF 150’000

Living in Zug

Low Taxes

The tax rates in the canton of Zug are generally very low and therfore very attractive for companies and individuals. The maximum rate for all taxes together is 23% on income and 0.3% on assets.

International Flair

The canton of Zug is seen as a link between Zurich and central Switzerland. This ambivalence makes it attractive. Custom and a down-to-earth approach successfully hold their balance.

International Companies

International culture with the innovation it brought is the most exciting aspect of working in Zug. International companies attracting highly qualified people around the world.

Some impressions from Zug

Are you planning your Relocation to Zug?

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