Expat services

We offer tailor-made relocation services in Zug, Zurich and Lucerne. You are free to choose services upon your needs. As a first step we assess your requirements and preferences via questionnaire and/or web meeting.

Welcome Tour

We accompany you on an exploration tour throughout the canton of your choice. This is an informative tour where you learn more about your new destination..

Find a flat in Switzerland

This service focuses entirely on finding a new home of your choice. To increase the chances of a signed contract, we take on the direct communication with the real estate provider or landlord.

Living in Switzerland

Looking for a temporary home in a new location can be time-consuming and demanding.
With our temporary housing options we offer you a relaxed start in Switzerland.


Registering with the local authorities is a crucial process of your arrival in Switzerland. The administrative part can be burdensome for newcomers. We assist you with all the relevant administratitive tasks.

Schooling and Settling in

Despite the local education system being of a high standard, new arivals are nevertheless faced with chosing the right school for your child is an important decision.
‍Finding the right leisure activities for the whole family is an important aspect of settling in.


We facilitate a smooth process to hand back the property (according to Swiss law). There are many steps to be considered. We help terminate contracts, organise removals, cleaning and handovers as well as manage deregistration.


In the heart of Switzerland

Zug is situated on Lake Zug and surrounded by stunning nature and mountains. The scenic old town leads directly to the lake and offers many restaurants, coffee shops and independent shops.
You live where others spend their holidays. Located at the shores of Lake Lucerne and the river Reuss, surrounded by the famous mountains Pilatus and Rigi. Lucerne has long been a favourite destination for tourists.
With a population reaching almost over 400’000, Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland. Nevertheless, Zurich is world renowned as one of the most livable cities, known also for its diversity.

Are you planning your Relocation to Switzerland?

Relocating you with RelEx: Smart – Personal – Efficient – Relaxed